January 12, 2012

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

Our Dad always told us not to sweat the small stuff but only now have I begun to take this to heart.  The fact is that life is much simpler when you work on freeing your mind and I have compiled some easy and practical steps you can take now to do just that…

 Start by shutting off and giving yourself some “no phone” time. The telephone is one of the most regularly stressful distractions of life. Set aside a certain time of the day when you put your cell phone on silent or don’t answer at all except in the case of real emergencies.

 Try to say no without guilt. Always saying yes makes you feel overwhelmed, stressed and tired and you end up doing things you don’t want to or shouldn’t be doing all the while acting, on the surface, as if everything is just fine.

 Give yourself an extra 10 minutes before you go. Instead of always rushing, start out 10 minutes early instead of waiting until the last possible moment and you will find yourself with plenty of time to spare and less stressed in the process. 

 Create a “me” ritual. When you have what you need in an emotional sense, you have plenty left over for others. Rituals can be as simple as squeezing exercise into your daily routine, browsing bookstores or having a quiet cup of tea before work. This is your time a special part of the day reserved just for you. You’ll be amazed at the great feeling of being pampered that you can give yourself.

 Lower your voice and speak softly. When you speak too quickly and with a loud voice, the energy you send out into the world is frantic and nervous. People around you will feel pressured and slightly agitated. Speak softly and you may discover that you begin to feel calmer and less stressed. Better yet-you’ll quickly discover that everyone around you will quickly start to quiet down, too, which will make you a happier you.

  Remember to take breaks. This is a mini-recharge of sorts.  Not taking breaks not only wears you down, but also makes you less productive. While you may not feel it at the time, frustration will sneak up on you in the end and you’ll end up with less patience and less attentive.

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